Are You Ready to Fail?

Thursday, September 14, 2023 Savannah, GA, USA

A recipe for growth is to fail early, cheaply and often. How comfortable are you with seeing your child fail?

For some parents, it's as natural as breathing. They don't even see the struggle as struggle, they just see growth.

For some parents, it takes a lot of work, but they want to give their child the gift of struggle, so they accept that they (as parents) will have some struggle in the process, too.

For some parents, it is too uncomfortable. It is not where they want to be.

The reality is you cannot remove all failure and struggle from your child's life. Life will test them for the skills of independence and resilience at some point, even if you won't. It's coming. 

Adapting to new skills and experiences is easier when you are younger (early). The stakes are lower when you are younger (cheaply). Failure is guaranteed with some frequency if you participate in an environment that asks for independence, mastery and excellence (often).

Are you ready to fail?

2023 Children's Business Fair

Sunday, September 10, 2023 Starland Yard


It's time for a business fair! 

Just in time for holiday shopping... Our first annual Children's Business Fair. There is no reason for science to have all the fair fun. We're hosting a fair for young entrepreneurs to show their small business savvy. 

Apply here.
Spread the word via the FB Event Page here.

In learner-driven spirit, we ask that all businesses be the child's business. 

  • Parents of younger children may sit in their booth, but the children are to be responsible for setup, sales and interacting with the customers.
  • This event is designed to give children a taste of selling a product. Please let them have that experience.
  • Any parent seen selling to the customer or promoting the child’s product will result in disqualification from the competition.


WHAT: Kids develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at our one-day marketplace. 

WHO: Young Entrepreneurs age 6 -15 with a business (or just a great idea!). Be sure your child is ready and able to come up with their own idea, create the branding, as well as run and manage their business. (No parental assistance in the booth.) This fair is for child-created & child-run businesses. 

WHO ELSE: Shoppers to come out and shop the market - let’s show these kids that hard work pays off! 

WHERE: Starland Yard - Desoto Ave

WHEN: Saturday, December 16th, 2023 from 12 pm – 4 pm. 


©Aspire Savannah | 912.226.2327 | 2 St. Thomas Avenue on Isle of Hope