No Grades = More Accountability

Thursday, November 25, 2021 Savannah, GA, USA

In a traditional classroom, subjects are presented each year, and everyone moves in lockstep. How well you learn this material based on the yearly timeline is recorded as a grade. In our studio, learners work on their Core Skills (reading, math, grammar/spelling) based on their own timeline. They create daily, weekly and session goals to keep in step with their yearly goals. Learners do not move on until they have mastered the material. This is a much higher level of accountability than the traditional model of grades. 

In the traditional model, you could spend a year getting B's or C's, moving to the next grade level, and progressing while not understanding a good chunk of the material. Requiring mastery is asking for more accountability. 

It also allows learners who love to learn the freedom to challenge themselves and move more than one grade level a year.

How can learners be accountable to parents if grades aren't sent home? Parents can see their learners' progress anytime on Mastery Book, our transparent tracking program. Tracking mastery is a higher level of accountability and transparency. 


©Aspire Savannah | 912.226.2327 | 2 St. Thomas Avenue on Isle of Hope