When We Say Goodbye

Monday, May 3, 2021 Savannah, GA, USA

People move. Rarely does anyone live in one city for their whole life. And even if you stay in one place for a lifetime, there will still be coming and going around you. It creates an indisputable fact: you'll meet a changing cast of fellow travelers on your journey. 

At our studio, when one of our learner's Hero's Journey takes them somewhere new, it's different from a classmate who moves away at a traditional school. Here, we don't only say goodbye to a friend we enjoy playing with, we also say goodbye to one of our guides who has been teaching and helping us on our own journey, to a studio mate who has helped us build our culture, to a leader that has helped us create our governing rules and who helps hold us accountable to the standards we strive to live up to daily. 

In a self-governing studio, it's hard to express just how vital each hero is. After all, they run the place. When we say goodbye to one of our young heroes, we say goodbye to much more than a friend. 

All we can do is hold the present moment lightly, knowing the only constant we can count on is change. Enjoy the parade of personalities. Soak up as many lessons as we are fortunate enough to be exposed to. Be grateful for every twist and turn, as around every corner is an opportunity. And most of all, keep taking the steps to further our Hero's Journey. 



©Aspire Savannah | 912.226.2327 | 2 St. Thomas Avenue on Isle of Hope