Congratulations! You've accepted the call to adventure. The start of a Hero's Journey! You are ready to welcome responsibility for your choices and learn the lessons your choices bring, both comfortable and uncomfortable.
Some major players on your path will be three monsters: resistance, distraction and victimhood.
These are tricky monsters. They will try to trip you up. Here are some ways they may rear their ugly little heads when you are trying to accomplish a difficult but essential goal.
Resistance: There are (seemingly) a million other things you can reasonably work on and still consider yourself somewhat productive, all easier and less demanding of you than taking on that challenging task — things where failure and discomfort are improbable. So why not just switch to one of those?
Distraction: Squirell!!!! Everything you see/hear distracts you from what you are trying to accomplish.
Victimhood: Self-talk such as, "I'm just not good at it and never will be. I'll never be good at it." "I put in the right answer, but the program is telling me I'm wrong. It's not my fault I'm not progressing. The program is cheating me." "It's not my fault. I am not responsible for my situation. My choices do not affect my situation. I'm powerless. So there's nothing I can do to make it better."
Initially, identifying these three when they pop up is not fun. Seeing and admitting you are the one stopping yourself is hard. It's humbling. But once you know the monster in your way, you can work on strategies to defeat him. And that is what heroes do.
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